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Vision & Mission

  /  Vision & Mission

Our Motto :

“Dissemination of education for knowledge, science and culture.” – Shiskshanmaharshi Dr. Bapuji Salunkhe

Vision :

  • To create quality human resource through higher education for strengthening the spirit of building a prosperous and progressive nation.

The Vision of the College is in tune with the parent Institute Shri Swami Vivekanand Shikshan Sanstha,
Kolhapur which provides value based quality education and taps latent potentials lying in the rural areas to generate skill based human resource for the nation building. The very Motto of our management is “Education for Knowledge, Science and Culture”. An integrated all round development of students’ personality is our main objective.

IQAC functions as a catalyst for many activities in the College for quality sustenance and enhancement. The recommendations made by NAAC peer team are being implemented with priority. The College has opened an opportunity to the students to grow vertically. The College has established its image as an Institution working for the deprived section of society in the remote area of Kadepur, Karad and  Kadegaon talukas which is the region of semi-arid having little rainfall. Consequently, students are from poor economic background. The College recognizes the importance of environmental awareness and has taken green initiatives in its premises.

Mission :

  • To encourage the youth proper attitude, values and analytical power for building the best of the nation

Objectives: The overall objective is to achieve holistic development of the students. The specific objectives are-

  • To inculcate values like non-violence, truth, tolerance, secularism, environmental awareness and scientific temperament
  • To generate employment opportunities for the youth by fostering global competencies among them
  • To prepare the students academically sound and help them to face examination for vertical progression
  • To provide a better teaching-learning environment
  • To help the students to develop their overall personality by organising various activities
  • To develop national, social and cosmopolitan values for responsible citizen

          We at College believe in the following core values:
Humanity: We believe that faith in humanity is the beginning of true wisdom and the anchor of life. Life and
education would be meaningless without faith in humanity.
Integrity: The College believes that honesty, sincerity and justice signify the core of a person’s character. We
sincerely abide by the highest and universal ethical standards in all spheres.
Dignity: The College believes that the dignity of the individual is the foundation for the empowerment and
socio-economic transformation. We are committed to uplift the dignity of all through quality education.
Excellence: The College believes that commitment and dedication produce excellence. We set high benchmarks of academic and holistic excellence and provide innovative, globally competent and realistic processes and services for the success of every person associated with College.